
Our guiding principle is obsessive dedication to flawlessly accomplishing assignments, working at the highest level while keeping them on time and on budget. MDM Technologies strives to provide its clients with custom solutions that precisely fit their current needs while retaining the flexibility to grow as business needs change.

System Analysis and Design

We can analyze your existing business needs and custom-design a system to meet those needs.

Database Design and Implementation

We can custom-design your database in Access, SQL Server, or Oracle to meet your data storage requirements.

Custom Software Development

We can custom-design Windows applications to meet your end-user requirements.

System Interfacing

We can customize, design and implement interfaces between your existing systems.


We can design and implement custom reports to meet your business reporting needs.

Data Conversions

We can convert data from one system to another, including converting data from your existing system to a new, custom-designed system.

Web Page Design

We can design, develop, and implement custom web applications.